Méditation globale pour l’élévation, la connexion et la joie

Faite en cours début juin, cette méditation chantée nous accompagne vers le solstice d’été avec la sangat qui se prépare pour le festival du solstice au Nouveau Mexique, ici expliquée par Adarsh Kaur, version musicale du Ganesha Band
Ang Sang Wahe Guru!


Méditation collective pour le bonheur-rythme harmonieux-

Cette méditation faite en cours en avril nous apporte soutien, protection, grâce…. à chacun de la continuer pour soi et pour les autres, tous ensemble!

Version de Satkirin Kaur ci dessous, et description de la méditation  grâce à 3ho, encore plus bas


Série pour le corps radieux faite en cours en février

Pour notre courage royal, notre panache, notre luminosité,

Laissez vous guider par la belle Anne Novak, enjoy!

Méditation de Noël 2017 !

Sat Kartar, notre méditation pour ouvrir le cœur, nous accompagnera lors des fêtes :+)
Sat signifie Vérité,
Kartar, celui ou celle qui agit
Sat Kartar, celui ou celle qui manifeste la Vérité

Nous faisons appel à notre cœur pour sentir que le divin travaille dans nos vies.
Guidé ici par Ramdesh Kaur, chanté par Sat kartar kaur:

série pour la souplesse du dos


1 Archer Pose: Stand with the right leg bent forward so the knee is over the toes. The left leg is straight back with the foot flat on the ground, at a 45 degree angle to the front foot. Raise the right arm straight in front, parallel to the ground and make a fist as if grasping a bow. Pull the left arm back as if pulling the bowstring back to the shoulder. Feel the tension across the chest. Lean forward and fix the eyes above the fist to the horizon. Hold the position 3 to 5 minutes, then switch legs and arms and repeat.

2 Immediately lie on the back. Put the heels together and lift both legs two feet from the ground. Hold the position 1 to 3 minutes with long deep breathing.

3 Locust pose: Lie down on the stomach. Make fists with the hands and put them on the lower abdomen inside the front hip bones near the groin. Keeping the heels together and the legs straight, lift them up as high as possible and hold this position for 3 minutes.

4 Bow pose: Still on the stomach, reach back and firmly grasp the ankles. Arch the back up from the ground and balance by pulling the ankles. Hold the position for 2 to 3 minutes.

5 Stand up straight and spread the legs two feet apart. Touch the right hand to the floor in front of the left foot. The left arm is pointing back. Switch sides and continue this alternate motion with long breaths. On the inhale, rise up completely; on the exhale touch the toe. Repeat 25 times on each side.

6 Stand up with the legs 6 inches apart. Bend over and place the palms flat on the ground and exhale (6A). Inhale and rise up stretching backwards with the arms over the head (6B). Continue 20 times.

7 Stand with the legs 6 inches apart. Bend sideways stretching the arm over the head. Alternate smoothly from side to side, inhaling down and exhaling up. Do not let the body bend forward or backward. Continue 25 times on each side.

8 Sit down and extend the legs out in front, spreading them wide. Grab the big toe of each foot by locking the forefingers around the toe and the thumb pressing the toenail. Keeping a firm grip on both toes, inhale and arch the spine up straight. Exhale and touch the head to the right knee. Inhale to the original position, and exhale down to the left knee. Continue to alternate toe touches 25 times on each side. Inhale, hold the breath, and exhale.

9 In this same sitting position, bring the legs together while still holding onto the toes. Inhale and arch up. Exhale and pull the head down to the knees. Continue this pumping motion 25 times.

10 Plow pose: Lie flat on the back. Slowly raise the legs over the head until they touch the floor. The arms should be over the head pointing towards to toes. Keep the knees straight and point the toes towards the head, stretching the heels back. Relax in this position for 5 minutes. Slowly lower the legs back down to the ground.
11 Shoulder stand: Come into this position by raising the legs straight up towards the ceiling (11A). Support the spine perpendicular to the ground with the hands. Let most of the weight be on the elbows. Hold this position for 3 to 5 minutes. Then bring the legs down in back of the head as in plow pose, but spread the legs wide apart (11B). Slowly go from this position to shoulder stand 4 times. Lower the legs and spine and rest on the back.

12 Come into plow pose with the arms along the ground in back of the spine (12A). Alternate from plow pose to lying flat on the back (12B). Continue 50 complete times. The hands may be used to lift the legs up and back. Relax for 3 minutes.

13 Sat Kriya: Sit on the heels with the arms overhead and the palms together. Chant « Sat » and pull the navel point in; chant « Nam » and release it. Continue powerfully with a steady rhythm for 5 minutes. Inhale and draw the energy up the spine to the brow point.

14 Immediately bend forward in gurpranam: Place the forehead on the ground and stretch the arms overhead, keeping the palms together. Meditate at the brow point by silently projecting the primal sounds, « Sa Ta Na Ma. » Continue for 31 minutes.

15 Sit in an easy pose. Inhale and raise both arms over the head bringing the backs of the hands together (15A). Exhale and lower the arms letting just the fingertips touch the floor (15B). Continue this motion for 5 minutes.

16 Stand up and extend the arms straight forward parallel to the ground (16A). Begin 25 deep knee bends into crow pose, keeping the spine straight and the feet flat (16B).

17 Cat-Cow: Rest on the hands and knees. Arch the spine down and raise the head with the inhale (17A). With the exhale arch up the spine and lower the head (17B). Continue for 5 minutes.

18 Deeply relax for 15 to 30 minutes on the back. Cover the body with a blanket to keep from getting cold.

Gian chakra kriya-Méditation de prospérité

Guidée par yogi Bhajan lui-même, cette méditation pratiquée en classe début décembre
nous aide à fortifier notre luminosité, notre aura et projection mentale pour une vie
riche et abondante dans tous les domaines :+)